CD's - "Misa Santa Barbara"

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"Misa Santa Barbara"
Bobby Fisher was inspired to compose Mass of St. Barbara after Spending time in the parish community of Santa Barbara in Dededo, Guam. This bilingual Mass Setting contains both English and Spanish versions of the Mass parts. Mass of St. Barbara can be sung entirely in English or entirely in Spanish, but it is especially beautiful when verses from both languages are intertwined as they are on the recording. Parishes will find that this setting has a wide appeal across generations and cultural Backgrounds. The rhythm of the music is very upbeat with a hint of reggae and the tone is joyful as the voices of "Who do you say I am" are raised together in Sung prayer.
  1. Kyrie/Senor Ten Pieded   Listen
  2. Gloria  Listen
  3. Alleluia, Sing Praise to the Lord/Alleluia, Cantemos    Listen
  4. Preface Dialogue/Introduccion al Prefacio
  5. Preface/Santo
  6. Holy/ Santo    Listen
  7. Post-Sanctus and Institution Narrative/Antes del Relato y el Relato de la Institucion
  8. Memorial Acclamation B/Aclamacion Conmemorative I
  9. Post-Narratvie/Despues del Relato de la Institucion
  10. Doxology and amen/Doxologia y Amen    Listen
  11. Lamb of God/Cordero de Dios    Listen
  12. Memorial Acclamation A/Aclamacion Comnemorativa 1
  13. Memorial Acclamation C/Aclamacion Conmemorativa 2
  14. Memorial Acclamation D/Aclamacion Comnemorativa 3