Bios- DeeDee
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Band Bios




    My name is DeeDee.  I am the lead-girl for “The Who Do’s”. My mom tells me I’ve been singing since the age of 3. I’ve been with the band for 2 years now. My influences are from Bette Midler, Elton John, Steve Perry, Stevie Nicks, to Tina Turner, Prince, Marc Anthony, Maxwell and Jewel. Yes, I know there are a lot …but these artists have played such an intrigal part in my life. Since childhood, (and even today) I would closely study these artists and watch in awe as they take audiences to ‘another place’ in each and every song.

    I started in the band in 2001 of October. I was already in a Christian band…and so was Andy, who lives down the street from me. We needed a drummer they needed vocalists, and other musicians. We teamed up and from my old group I’m the last one remaining. Oh what a ride it has been!!! Imagine traveling all over the U.S. with wild, crazy, Puerto Ricans!!!  God has blessed me soooo much. I am truly humbled at the fact that I can serve Him in a way that I actually love and enjoy.   Hey, don’t get me wrong though…it has been a hard 2 years and if it wasn’t for support of family and friends I think this would be impossible. I am eternally grateful to them.    

Well, hey, enough of me…get in touch and let me know a lil’ bout yourself! Can’t wait to hear from ya.

at.gif (49294 bytes) Always in Christ,